What’s New in Atlanta Neuroscience 2023
Emory’s Hatchery at Emory Point
1578 Avenue Place
Suite 200
Atlanta, Georgia 30329

2023 Speakers
Questions or need help with accommodations? Email ACSfN President, Mary Holder at mary.holder@psych.gatech.edu.

What’s New in Atlanta Neuroscience 2022
ACSfN WNIAN Organizing Committee

The Hatchery at Emory University
1578 Avenue Place
Suite 200
Atlanta, Georgia 30329

What’s New in Atlanta Neuroscience 2021
The Atlanta Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience (ACSfN) is excited to announce its first virtual “What’s New in Atlanta Neuroscience” event. Please RSVP and mark your calendars for April 8th from 5-7 pm to hear exciting research talks from young investigators within institutes across the Atlanta region. This year, we have an exciting line-up of speakers from Agnes Scott, Emory, Georgia State, Georgia Tech, and Morehouse School of Medicine.
Download a copy of the flyer. Please feel free to forward this flyer to your colleagues within and outside the Atlanta region. A link to join the live event will be sent at a later date.
ACSfN WNIAN Organizing Committee

Governor Proclaims March 2015 “Brain Awareness Month” in Georgia
At the request of the Brains & Behavior Program, the interdisciplinary arm of the Neuroscience Institute at Georgia State University, the Governor’s office has declared March 2015, Brain Awareness Month (BAM). Hundreds of scientists at Georgia’s premiere universities, private colleges, and research institutes are at the forefront of some of the most promising efforts to understand the complexities of the brain, to alleviate the pain and suffering associated with brain disorders, and to reduce the cost of treating neurological disease. In addition, these institutions take great pride in educating the public, k-12 students, and the Georgia community as a whole.
Originally a Dana Alliance (see below) initiative, Brain Awareness Week (BAW) began small but has grown into an international celebration and advocacy outreach project. Beginning as just a week out of the year, many groups have taken the call to action a step further and participate year round. Here in Georgia, groups such as the Atlanta Chapter for the Society for Neuroscience, the Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, and the Atlanta Science Festival are organizations that have exceptional resources and opportunities surrounding Brain Awareness.
For more information on how to get involved, please see the following links:
Learn how you can be a part of our nationally recognized Brain Awareness campaign.
If you have any questions, e-mail us at atlbrain@gmail.com.