Class Visits

Each year, the Atlanta Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience spreads the word about brain research to schools and the public. We coordinate visits from neuroscientists to elementary, middle, and high schools, reaching thousands of students. Interested teachers can request a classroom visit any time of the year.
Discoveries in neuroscience inform medical treatment, government policy and, increasingly, the way we live our daily lives. Would you like your students to learn about neuroscience firsthand from an actual scientist? Each year, our Brain Awareness campaign sends scientists into K-12 classrooms to present neuroscience-related lessons that reach thousands of children. Sign up here if you’d like one of our volunteers to visit your classroom and present a lesson on the brain and nervous system.
Interested in implementing lessons on neuroscience in your own classroom? Use our website to plan a classroom activity or experiment that will fascinate your students. You can also borrow teaching aids from our Lending Library to use in your next lesson.
To learn more about the national Brain Awareness Campaign, visit the Society for Neuroscience Brain Awareness page.
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to e-mail us at outreachneuro@gsu.edu.